In this grand life of ours, most of it is nothing but temporary. I think that it is sad that my generation celebrate/created monthsaries all because we rarely get to celebrate anniversaries. Sad really. It applies to so many things like relationships, restaurants, friendships, fad, hobby, work, etc..
But let us put the side things aside and talk about the good stuff!
When one gets to celebrate an "anniversary", it is really something, a milestone perhaps. It takes guts and a strong sense of will to do something this long. Although not all would agree that a year is LONG, but trust me. In the 21st century, IT IS.
And I am nothing but proud of OLIVE TREE KITCHEN AND BAR!
In a few days, OTKB will be turning 1!
Congratulations and Happy Anniversary!
Let us count why I love thee :
- They are the very first even I have ever EVER attended. Very grateful to everyone who made that possible. Especially to MY MASTER!
- They have the best salmon I've ever tasted.
- They have hot and hunky chefs!!
- They are perfect for whatever occasion. Dinner date, Family date, Girl's night out, Boy's night out, Birth-dates (is that a thing? I'll make it a thing), Birthdays, or for just because's.
- They have killer desserts! Very hard to resist.
- Friendly and attentive staffs!
- & each time I go, I discover something new about them to LOVE!
So here's a preview :
Let us start of with the appetizers : I don't think this is part of the anniversary menu but I had to include it, I am like so in love with
Shine's umami fries, that this fries did actually remind me of that but it was a little different. It had almost the similar dip but no nori, there was a side of fresh roasted garlic and it was a bomb! It was crazy good even after it had gone cold.
Just sharing :) But feel free to add this when you get there..
So the first thing we got to try out was their wait for it!!
These tine tiny things, never under estimate the size. It was a totally packed with crab cake. It was dressed with bufala mozzarella panna (and it was good, I have no idea why I only like mozzarella cheeses) with tomato carpaccio, purple basil flowers (totally edible btw) and calabrese hash and oil. It was sweet and very delightful to the palette.
Oh these little blobs are called PANNA COTTA.
As some would know, I really can't drink. Not that I am not allowed to or anything. I just don't like the taste. I am more of a hot choco, cranberry juice or coke kind of girl. But I gave the fella a chance, but too strong for my liking.
It is made of house made limoncello liquer (which sounds very Italian for me! Which was its inspiration), pink peppercorn berries and pecorino romano shavings! And if you love to add a little twist to this very strong ladies drink, you can squeeze the lemon and eat the CHEESE!
Next dish is the UOVO which means egg in Italian. Hey I have loved eating half cooked eggs all my life and I never knew that there is a "sossy" side to the egg. I am excited and scared, all at the same time.
REALLY NOW!! Only OTKB can turn such an everyday ordinary thing into one hell of a big deal!
I kind of struggled to break this UOVO. It was too pretty for me. With all the colors and the things on the plate like the parmesan polenta, morel spuma (which is the foam on top), pan roasted wild mushrooms and pistachio citrus around it. It was a master piece!
I had to take a glorious photo of it. Had to spin it around a couple of times and little did I know! There was a heart hiding behind it. I wonder who placed that there! But seriously, it was a sweet surprise.
I do not know if it is just me or what, but when something is too pretty, it gives me a vibe that "it might not be that good". But what scares me even more is when my vibes are right.
So I looked left and right, everybody liked it!! and they all finished it, but how come I didn't?! Is there something wrong with me? No. I love a runny egg. I don't eat eggs that are fully cooked. So I must love this egg. But I think there was a little too much going on.
But 9 out of 10 liked it, so who am I to say what is what.
This next dish scared me. OCTOPUS tentacles. I like it's relative Mr. Squid, but when the thing is too big (I mean both squid and octopus) it scares me (a lot!).
I think it is because of the ton of clips I saw on youtube where people eat this sort of dead/alive octopus on a stick, SCARED THE HELL OUT OF ME. I mean I am still confused if I am an adventurous food lover, but when something is moving all I can say is :
"don't freaking eat it!!!"
I was actually expecting that I would not like this dish at all! Although the ravioli did intrigue me. I was scared that the chorizo and potato mousseline, with whipped butter and red cabbage broth! Well the broth really was too good!
I do know know how these hunk of a chef's comes up with these things but all together they are great! If you do go to their Anniversary date/s. You should not eat the ravioli alone. Portion it and with each part put in a part of that octopus! OMGE, it was totally heaven and the sauce was the icing on top! Real good stuff.
Now let us proceed to the main course!
Now I would like you to think of the best PIG you've had and remember it dearly and now.. Put it aside!!
I am not easily swayed. Seriously, there are a lot of good food for me. I might say that this and that is good. But this MAIALINO ALLO SPIEDO was the GOD of all pigs. I mean these are the things you don't recreate yourself. This pig was so lucky to fall into the dazzling hands of OTKB's chef. There are things that are left to the professionals and this is one of them.
I would like to say that pig's should bathe in milk more!! I know this sounds very cruel to vegetarians and vegans, but you are so missing out! Omg. I can't imagine me being a full on vegetarian. I mean it was just heaven, these things you never forget.
But the portion was so "damot", I wish I had more, like ye' big as the plate more.
The sucking pig alone was heaven. But if you like to add a little something more to it, the spiced baby carrots, bitter greens gnudi, raspberry vinaigrette and the very succulent pig's head au jus helps. The pig's head au jus was a little sweet which I loved, the raspberry vinaigrette was a little sour kind of yogurt-y good.
The preparation alone was a loud bang. Even before the event, I saw a photo of it in their facebook page. It got me totally hyped up. I was thinking of it the whole trip to the Fort.
The highlight of the night I'ld say.
The last main course before dessert was the BISTECCA.
It is made of Mulwarra tenderloin with Foie Gras shavings, sweet bread caponata, mosto cotto and some zucchini frites.
It always have my tenderloins medium rare, but even if it was just rare, I loved it! It was really amazing. Man, I mean steak's don't always steal my fancy but OTKB is my weakness. It will always be.
And for once I am totes happy that I get to stay for dessert. I have a sweet tooth. I crave for it like an addict craved for it's junk. Wish the slab it came with was white or any color but black for you to like drool over it, but it really doesn't matter. Because once you have your fork in. You'll wish you had a bigger portion and forget that the slab was black.
For all cake loves, sweet tooth, or dessert junkies. I do not know if you have tried a cake that is made with OLIVE OIL SPONGE, but it was so good. I mean if it was just me, I would never order such a thing, but I am glad that I was invited and it really widens my food preference. Thank you very much and I have never been happier. It also contains lemon liqueur ganache (which I love to say), pineapple mousse, compressed orange and fennel.
Dude for food and I had a little more than what we were served. It was THAT good folks!
So this ANNIVERSARY MENU is only good for
SEPTEMBER 26, 27 and 28, 2014
which is P1,499/ person
It is seriously not that pricey for all for these.
Think of it this way : quality over quantity at any time of the day.
Each dish is really prepared especially for you.
Coz' you need to call at least a day in advance.
Perfection is not made in a blink of an eye. We all know that!
Give them a holler at :
- Facebook : OTKB.bhs
- Telephone number : (02) 823 03 66
- G/F B3, 9th Ave. Bonifacio High Street, Fort Bonifacio